Our button generator software briefly explained
, 1 min reading time
Aufgrund eines erforderlichen Server-Updates können wir unseren Online Button Designer leider nicht mehr anbieten. Die Entwicklung wurde eingestellt! Wir bieten selbstverständlich weiterhin Vorlagen für Word, Photoshop und Corel Draw an!
, 1 min reading time
A button generator, the term is mainly used in English-speaking countries, is special software for designing buttons yourself. The button generator enables easy and convenient creation of designs that are then printed on the paper templates of the buttons.
A button generator, the term is mainly used in English-speaking countries, is special software to design buttons yourself. The button generator enables easy and convenient creation of designs that are printed on the paper templates of the buttons in a further step. The button generator is usually a very easy to use application. The software is suitable for both adults and children.
The software for generating buttons can be found primarily on the Internet. Of course, we also offer design software on our website www.mia-mai.de. Our server-based software, called "Online Button Designer", is a very easy-to-use button generator. Software installation is straightforward and the program works flawlessly and requires no further configuration. Using this software allows our customers to create custom button designs in minutes. When searching online, you have to differentiate between web buttons, i.e. the creation of buttons for Internet pages, and designs for buttons, as offered in our shop.
The button generator allows you to create an individual design for your buttons. You can enter the desired color values and parameters in the given form. It is possible to enter text or add a graphic. Of course you can also use the button generator to upload and integrate photos directly from your digital camera or PC. Different frames can also be selected. The finished or not yet finished designs can be saved and reopened at any time to make any changes. The design software allows the user to print twelve different designs for 56mm buttons on a single page. Even more variants per side are possible for the smaller button formats.
All in all, the button generator is a very easy-to-use design software that promotes your own creativity and, above all, can be a lot of fun. With our "Online Button Designer" you can be sure that the result will be very individual.