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Ruck Zuck buttons: What are they particularly suitable for?

, 1 min reading time

In contrast to using a button machine with the button blanks provided, practically no technical devices are required for the Ruck Zuck buttons. Only a good printer should be available, whereby of course there is always the possibility to print out the button paper in a copy shop and thus get a professional print quality. For button production without a button machine, for example, there are the 56 mm Ruck Zuck plastic buttons with matching button paper for printing. Of course, we also offer oval buttons, which are also particularly suitable for name tags. Or paper circles to paint on – it can also be done without a printer.

The Ruck Zuck buttons to make yourself are the most popular product in Mia Mai's shop (More information about Mia Mai). Why? Because they really can be made in a very short time and don't cost much. Thanks to the possibility of an online design with our special software, the graphic design is also quickly completed - and the Ruck Zuck buttons can be ordered.

In contrast to using a button machine with the button blanks provided, practically no technical equipment is required for Ruck Zuck buttons. Only a good printer should be available, whereby of course there is always the possibility to print out the button paper in a copy shop and thus get a professional print quality. For button production without a button machine, for example, there are the 56 mm Ruck Zuck plastic buttons with matching button paper for printing. Of course we also offer oval buttons, which are also particularly suitable for name tags. Or paper circles to paint on – so you can do it without a printer.

The buttons, also known as pins in the US, first became popular in the US towards the end of the 19th century. Today, in a society that is becoming more and more individual, buttons are more popular than ever before - even if the original approach of using a button to show one's political views to the outside world is increasingly taking a back seat.

The Ruck zuck buttons are true "Do it yourself buttons", whereby even small music groups, to name just one example, can produce buttons for their own fans with a manageable financial investment and finance their hobby through the sale.

Would you like to try out the Ruck Zuck buttons yourself? Then order a small quantity and simply test it yourself. An occasion should be found quickly, and sooner or later, be it at a wedding, a birthday party or a club anniversary, you will surely find a suitable reason to celebrate with the Ruck Zuck Buttons to make it big.

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