Buttons for the holidays!
, 3 min reading time
Aufgrund eines erforderlichen Server-Updates können wir unseren Online Button Designer leider nicht mehr anbieten. Die Entwicklung wurde eingestellt! Wir bieten selbstverständlich weiterhin Vorlagen für Word, Photoshop und Corel Draw an!
, 3 min reading time
Do you have a vacation coming up too? Buttons are a great way to keep your kids happy when the car ride takes too long... We've designed three button designs that can be used as rewards. But maybe you’ll come up with even better motif ideas this way?
The sun is shining over Germany - like a world champion! And the rising summer temperatures are coming just in time, because the summer holidays will begin in Baden-Württemberg and Bavaria at the end of July. Many families use this time for trips to Spain, Italy or to their home vacation areas on North Sea and Baltic Sea. But even for families who cannot or do not want to take a vacation, there is certainly a lot to do in their own city - such as visiting the open air pool or maybe even a aqua park, that you just don't have time for otherwise.
To increase the desire for sun and beach even further, we have put together some button designs that you can use very well right now. This is how the desire for vacation can be increased even further for young and old.
Are you going on vacation? A few hundred kilometers by car, or maybe a stressful flight with long waiting times? We say: don't be afraid of long car journeys with whining children! And we have a tip for families with small (but also bigger) kids: Prepare yourself for the stress of traveling – with the right buttons!
The "button trick" works best if you have several children (or other children can be involved) and can start a small competition. The child who performs the best at a task (which can include just being quiet for a while) is rewarded with a Ruck Zuck button. And of course this one has a holiday motif on it.
Here are our three favorites (which you can easily import as a graphic with the Online Button Designer and adjust if necessary):
Who wants an ice cream? All? That was clear. But only those who behave themselves and don't constantly whine get an ice cream button (because we'd rather not eat ice cream in the car). And when we arrive at the destination of our long journey, then there is a real ice cream, and a huge one at that! Anticipation is the greatest joy!
For the slightly older children (teenagers), an ice cream might not be sooo suitable as a reward. Then rather a cocktail (non-alcoholic, of course). Incidentally, cocktail photos can be shared very well on Facebook!
For those who don't like ice cream or cocktails, the beach ball button can be an attractive alternative. After all, everyone likes to play on the beach (even adults, but they probably only do it on vacation). So a beach ball always works!
More ideas for button designs? Summer has only just begun and the best summer motifs only come to mind when you're on vacation. When you come back home, you can organize a theme party (“Spain ole”, “Bella Italia”) and surprise your guests with holiday buttons and look at the videos and photos of the most beautiful weeks of the year together.