Button making explained step by step
, 2 min reading time
Aufgrund eines erforderlichen Server-Updates können wir unseren Online Button Designer leider nicht mehr anbieten. Die Entwicklung wurde eingestellt! Wir bieten selbstverständlich weiterhin Vorlagen für Word, Photoshop und Corel Draw an!
, 2 min reading time
The production of buttons is basically very simple and as a rule the manual production does not involve too much time. Button production can be done both mechanically (for a large number of pieces) and with bare hands (for a smaller number of pieces). The button making process is explained in four simple steps below:
The production of the button is basically very simple and as a rule it does not take too much time to produce it yourself. Button production can be done both mechanically (for a large number of pieces) and with bare hands (for a smaller number of pieces). Here's how to make a button in four easy steps:
This step in button production is primarily characterized by creativity. The only limits are the shapes and sizes of the buttons. This part of button making can vary according to taste and preference. One way to create the motif is to use online design software. The so-called button generator allows the user to create an individual design for the buttons. Another possibility is to design the motif yourself by hand. Above all, design skills, imagination and creativity are required when making the button.
The second step of button production requires a printer. The motifs created with the button generator must be printed on the so-called paper inserts, which are placed between the top and bottom of the button with a transparent film. If you have a printer at home, you can print the designs directly onto the paper. However, there is also the option of sending the saved files to a print shop and then having them printed on paper - a good idea if you don't have a printer or only have an old printer with poor print results. In this step of making the button, you should make sure that the printing paper is of good quality so that the buttons can look professional in the end.
A very important step in button production is the creation of the circular paper inserts. The self-designed motif, which was printed on the copy paper, must now be cut out or punched out in a circular or oval shape. You can either cut out the paper with regular scissors or a paper circle cutter, or punch it out with a paper punch, hole punch or punch. In this step of button production, precision is particularly important.
Basically, you can distinguish between two different button production variants. Both options have the advantage that no "professional knowledge" is required for button production.
In the first variant of button production, individual button kits are put together. The button kits are usually made of plastic and can be easily assembled without tools. This variant is particularly recommended for button production in small quantities.
Another variant of button production is the pressing of the various individual button parts with a button machine. With this button production method, the individual parts are usually made of metal. The variant has the advantage that you can achieve very good quality in the end. This type of button production is particularly worthwhile if you want to produce a larger number.